DCPC Products

Data Collection and Production Center (DCPC) is a component of WMO Information System (WIS), which fulfils within specific WMO Programmes an international responsibility for the generation and provision for international distribution of data, forecast products, processed or value-added information, and/or for providing archiving services.DCPC can also provide basic WIS functions such as metadata catalogues, Internet portals and data access management.

NSMC became DCPC in June 2012, by now, 26 kinds of products out of the NSMC production list have been internationally disseminated through WIS. It is by the WIS rule that a product for WIS dissemination must be officially recommended by the permanent representative of a NMHS to WMO.

Users can find our DCPC products at a GISC (Global Information System Center) whereever located in the world, or they can get access to them at our DCPC Service.